Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rod Oram on Labour’s game plan

A while back I commented on Phil Goffs speech at the Labour Conference. Now Labour has attempted to be a lot more proactive recently, e.g OpenLabour, but one of the things Goff said in his speech was:
John Key has no game plan for our cities and our farms so that we can compete and win in the global economy.

I do.
Can any one tell me what that game plan is? Can anyone tell Rod Oram, because he doesn’t believe Labour has got a game plan.

National has a six point economic plan: regulation, taxation, infrastructure, science and innovation, skills and public service are the elements in the order it lists them. What’s Labour’s plan, apart from modifying monetary policy ( somehow), create (somehow) government involvement in economic strategy (unspecified), and removal of GST on fresh fruits and vegetables?

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