stream big brother 12 episode 17

Sunday, August 15, 2010

latest seasons, stream big brother 12 episode 17 - in spite of brendon s humiliating attempt to get them to vote him out instead, rachel was eliminated in big brother 12 ep

August 15, 2010 Sunday was Big Brother 12 episode 17, and CBS viewers were finally told who won the HOH competition at the end of the last episode. That meant viewers had to wait for Sunday to find out the HOH as well as the new HOH nominations.

The HOH competition this week was a version of a ropes course, with all of the houseguests tied to a rope, which was tangled and knotted along a course. Ragan, Britney, Enzo, and Kathy could not figure out what was going on, and performed terribly again. Brendon became the sixth HOH in the Big Brother 12 house. He then chose Ragan, Britney, and Matt as the three Have Nots for the week, and Britney was not happy about it. Big Brother 12 Episode 17 Recap

Immediately after Brendon won the HOH, the rest of the houseguests started second-guessing the decision to vote out Rachel first. Meanwhile, Enzo and Hayden started talking out loud about trusting Matt less than Brendon, showing that there were cracks forming in the Brigade alliance.


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